Home Resources Cameroon - Tenure Facility Cameroon - Tenure Facility Community land rights in Cameroon have constantly evolved and adapted to the different periods and socio-political, economic and historical contexts that the country has experienced and still experiences today. Country Regional Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Economic Models, Indigenous based-solutions & Climate Partnership Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization The Tenure Facility View source More on this Notes We all stand to gain: accompanying Indigenous Peoples and local communities towards secure tenure - Tenure Facility Lands, forests and territories Regional Europe Notes Indigenous Peoples and local communities Land Rights at COP26 - Tenure Facility Lands, forests and territories Regional Europe Notes Connecting indigenous and local storytellers with journalism: experiences and opportunities - Tenure Facility Lands, forests and territories Regional Europe Notes Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: a practitioners guide - Tenure Facility Lands, forests and territories Regional Europe