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Responsable governance of tenure

About the Indigenous Learning Platform

What is the Indigenous Learning Platform?

The Indigenous Learning Platform collects information for and about Indigenous Peoples in one place for social learning. This platform is a contribution of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) Program implemented by the FSC-Indigenous Foundation.

The Indigenous Learning Platform contains information in many languages and promotes exchange for knowledge and connections.

It is a Global Indigenous Peoples Data Repository for Indigenous Peoples and their organizations, national-level government officials, civil society and donor organizations, development agencies, private sector, academia, university researchers, media, journalists and the general public who is interested in Indigenous Peoples wellbeing.

The Indigenous Learning Platform’s aim is:

  • To be a reference for information about and for Indigenous Peoples around the world.
  • To facilitate social learning and knowledge, systematization and sharing.
  • To create linkages amongst Indigenous Peoples and stakeholders at sub-national, national, regional and global levels and allow identification of partnership, collaboration, interaction, and connection.
  • To allow decision-making thanks to business intelligence and monitoring, evaluation and learning data.
  • To share business opportunities.
  • To be an interactive platform that displays links to resources and documents generated by the IPARD Program, the FSC-IF and all other organizations at the global level.


Purpose and use

The Indigenous Learning Platform's purpose is to be an interactive toolbox and to provide opportunities and possibilities for Indigenous Peoples Organizations, NGOs, international organizations, multilateral organizations, cooperation agencies, the private sector and academia.

The platform allows users to:

  • Post and access information on Indigenous Peoples and related topics in one place and in many languages.
  • Find and promote online courses on topics related to indigenous Peoples, rights, environment, climate change, sustainable development, traditional knowledge, governance and territorial management.
  • Access maps and geo-referencing resources on Indigenous territories, forest areas and natural resources.
  • Identify opportunities for multi-sectoral collaboration.
  • Post and find job openings and opportunities for Indigenous Peoples specialists and organizations.
  • Create a global network of contacts to promote their work and create the necessary conditions to guarantee the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • Participate in discussions or conservations about Indigenous Peoples with experts and leaders from around the world.

To know more about how to use the Indigenous Learning Platform and to explore its resources visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and watch a short tutorial available here.

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