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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 37 - 45 of 45
Mapuche NEWENCHE Association, founded in 2002 by active members of Mapuche grassroots and sociopolitical organizations, constitutes an Indigenous Association that seeks to create a bridge at the service of the human dignity...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Culture Livelihoods Chile
In the 1960s, the indigenous peoples joined the struggles for land led by the peasant sectors. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the creation of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) led to the creation of different regional...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Colombia
The Native Amazon Operation (OPAN) is the first indigenous organization founded in Brazil, in 1969. For 52 years, OPAN has been working to strengthen indigenous leadership in the regional scenario, valuing their culture and...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Brazil
The General Organization of Mayuruna has the objective of fighting for development and for cultural valorization, in addition to the defense of the Matsés right and territory.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Brazil
We are an indigenous organization that works in 15 basins (Putumayo, Napo, Tigre, Corrientes, Marañón, Yaquerana, Bajo Amazonas, Ucayali) and has the wisdom of 15 indigenous peoples and 21 base federations whom it represents...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Livelihoods Peru
The ORPIA Regional Indigenous Organization is an association created in 1993, which brings together representatives of the 20 indigenous peoples of the Venezuelan Amazon.
Rights & Advocacy Venezuela
We Mẽbêngôkre (or Kayapó) communities created, in 2001, the Raoni Institute to defend the interests of our people. IR is a non-profit, non-partisan Civil Society Organization of Public Interest located in the city of Peixoto...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Brazil
The UNIBOL Guaraní and Peoples of the Lowlands "Apiaguaiki Tüpa" is an educational institution of superior, humanistic, community and productive training, with relevance and quality in professional training; vanguard in the...
Economic development Culture Rights & Advocacy Bolivia
The União dos Povos Indígenas do Vale do Javari (UNIVAJA) is a civil entity with private rights, non-profit, partisan and religious, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Atalaia do Norte, in the state of Amazonas...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Brazil