Home Resources No budging the agri-debate - Irish Wildlife Trust No budging the agri-debate - Irish Wildlife Trust It is rather depressing to see just how little the debate on agriculture and eco-action has progressed in recent years. The voices of the farming community, Country Ireland Language English Region Europe Resource type Articles Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization Irish Wildlife Trust View source More on this Articles Taking the train - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Articles Environmental NGO Coastwatch Secures Win for Nature in Razor Shell Fisheries Court Case - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Articles Look to the sea - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Articles Press Release: New information shows that unlawful turf-cutting remains widespread on Special Areas of Conservation - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe