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Community guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Markings, hands on the rock evidence of belonging to this land from time immemorial. The ancestors guide us from the past to present, we pay our respects to those who have come before us. Sharing their knowledge, sharing their culture and sharing their lives, standing strong and proud, guiding us into the future supporting the present generation and passing on the traditional ways in a modern society and a guide on how to live for those to come. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are encouraged and are supported by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Australia as a Nation, and the International community to choose how their want to live. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are supported by the people of Australia and also by the International Community, lines of connections are strengthened and reassured by the Declaration. The Children dance in celebration and recognise the legacy of the generations that have come before them and the sacrifices they have made so that they may enjoy both a traditional and modern day lifestyle.

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