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Indígenas en Ciudades Amazónicas

We present the results of the Postdoctoral research in Social Anthropology at PPGAS/MN/UFRJ: “Politics, family and public apparatus: indigenous ways of life and their political participation in the city”, which was financed by CAPES and Bolsa FAPERJ, supervised by Moacir Palmeira and José Sérgio Leite Lopes. In it, we analyze how indigenous people live in the cities of Altamira (PA) and Manaus and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) in the Brazilian Amazon: where they live, what are their difficulties, how they organize themselves politically, their claims and political agendas, what practices from the village they have in the city and what relationships they have with the village. It is a research that received the support of several indigenous organizations that were willing to report their struggles and their way of living in the city. 

South America
Education Knowledge

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