Home Resources National Reptile Survey - Irish Wildlife Trust National Reptile Survey - Irish Wildlife Trust The IWT National Reptile Survey aims to survey the distribution of Ireland’s two wild species of terrestrial reptile – the native common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) and the introduced slow worm (Anguis fragilis). Country Ireland Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Monitoring, Evaluation, Adapting & Social Learning Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization Irish Wildlife Trust View source More on this Notes Wildlife & Communities - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes appointment of chair to the Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity Loss - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes The Beast from the East slows spring but ban on hedgecutting and burning starts today - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe Notes We need to protect the seas as if our lives depend upon it - Irish Wildlife Trust Lands, forests and territories Ireland Europe