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Can Indigenous community-based monitoring act as a tool for sustainable self-determination?

This study seeks to gain a better understanding of the implications of Indigenous community-based monitoring (ICBM) for Indigenous governance in resource extractive regions. Using a comprehensive review of the literature and the author team's personal involvement, we review an ICBM program in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada. We use sustainable self-determination, as a sub-set of Indigenous governance, as a critical theoretical lens to assess outcomes of this program and its role in the broader environmental governance of the oil sands region. To conclude, we propose some recommendations to advance a sustainable self-determination lens for ICBM. As these programs continue to proliferate across the country, now is the time to incorporate such a lens in order to simultaneously support meaningful monitoring of environmental, economic, and social change, while also advancing the resurgence of Indigenous Nations.

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Case studies

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