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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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AIMPO is a community-centered, grassroots organization in Rwanda that seeks to protect and promote the rights, welfare, and development of the Historically Marginalized People.
Rights & Advocacy Economic development Agriculture Climate change Sustainable Development Rwanda
Africa’s ultimate eco-lodge, organic farm, and digital nomad oasis nestled in the heart of the Great Rift Valley; where traditional Maasai culture meets modern ingenuity and regenerative agriculture. Narok, Kenya
Agriculture Culture Kenya
We are the Organization of Peasant and Indigenous Women Conamuri, we have been working with women of the working class in the countryside, organized in production committees and small associations, currently in 12 departments...
Women's empowerment Agriculture Sustainable Development Culture Paraguay
The Peasant Confederation of Peru was founded on April 11, 1947, as the culmination of a process of unity between peasant communities, braceros, yanacones and indigenous peoples of the jungle, who were fighting for land. The...
Agriculture Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Peru
We are a group of agrarian, indigenous, women's and civil society organizations that seek to defend the land rights of the people who live on it. We want to influence the formulation, modification and implementation of public...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Peru
MUCECH or Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile, is the strategic union of national peasant organizations of a social, political, economic and cultural nature, which was born in Talagante on November 13, 1987.
Economic development Agriculture Chile
NIA’s main mandate and core business is facilitating community empowerment through capacity strengthening, influencing and brokering useful linkages. NIA has an impressive track record and experience in implementing community...
Health Agriculture Sustainable Development Kenya
The Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) is a non-profit, public charity organisation that supports, strengthens and promotes science innovation in Africa.
Capacity building Health Agriculture Sustainable Development Regional