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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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CONFENIAE is a regional indigenous organization that represents about 1,500 communities belonging to the Amazonian, Kichwa, Shuar, Achuar, Waorani, Sapara, Andwa, Shiwiar, Cofan, Siona, Siekopai and Kijus nationalities. The...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Capacity building Ecuador
We are the sum of women and men of indigenous and local communities that unite our efforts for the exercise of our rights and the appropriation of our territories, always walking towards Good Living .
Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Economic development Mexico
FEINE Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples & Organizations) is an indigenous association of churches that promotes spiritual and holistic...
Culture Ecuador
We are the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous, Black and Montubia Organizations - FENOCIN, which includes organizations of: artisanal fishermen, workers, farmers, trade associations, taxi drivers, artists...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Ecuador