Home Resources We dance to keep the snake in the water We dance to keep the snake in the water In the summer of 2020, in the midst of the corona pandemic, the indigenous community Mairidicai (Comunidad Nativa de Mairidicai) decided to build the first maloka, the house of the community, in over 50 years. Country Germany Language German Region Europe Resource type Articles Strategic Pillars Indigenous Economic Models, Indigenous based-solutions & Climate Partnership Topic Lands, forests and territories Organization Institut für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie e.V. View source More on this Notes Strengthening of indigenous rights as a contribution to forest and climate protection Lands, forests and territories Germany Europe Briefs Data protection Lands, forests and territories Germany Europe Notes Diversity of perspectives at the forest (climate) protection conference after Paris: Perspectives and controversies on July 8, 2016 in Bonn Lands, forests and territories Germany Europe Articles No vaccination against deforestation: deep challenges for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, but hope remains - Tenure Facility Lands, forests and territories Regional Europe