Home Resources Our supporter promise - Womankind Worldwide Our supporter promise - Womankind Worldwide Our supporters are key to everything we do. Each year they enable us to help thousands of women to flee violence, take control of their livelihoods and have a say in the decisions that affect them. Without you, this work would not be possible. Country Regional Language English Region Europe Resource type Notes Strategic Pillars Indigenous Human Rights, Policies and Advocacy Topic Women's empowerment Organization Womankind Worldwide View source More on this Notes Rebecca Olschner-Wood - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes We are growing a movement of women - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes Intimate partner violence - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe Notes I want to be able to influence policies at national level that favour the LBQ communitys safety and protection - Womankind Worldwide Women's empowerment Regional Europe