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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 58
AIMPO is a community-centered, grassroots organization in Rwanda that seeks to protect and promote the rights, welfare, and development of the Historically Marginalized People.
Rights & Advocacy Economic development Agriculture Climate change Sustainable Development Rwanda
Ak´ Tenamit is an Indigenous Community Based Organization dedicated to appropriate vocational training, preventive and curative health and sustainable economic development for the self-determination of native peoples and...
Economic development Capacity building Health Rights & Advocacy Guatemala
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) or The Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago is an independent civil organization of which members are from Indigenous Peoples communities around the archipelago.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Indonesia
The Ashaninka do Rio Amônia Association – Apiwtxa (a term that means union) was created in 1991 as a strategy to strengthen our community. It works as an operational arm of the community so that we can manage our projects and...
Capacity building Economic development Brazil
AMIR manages and defends human rights to improve the living conditions of indigenous Lenca women and girls from the communities where they have a presence in the municipality of Intibucá through their participation in...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
We were born in the departmental capital of Ocotepeque on January 12, 2011, Founded at the initiative of Mr. Hugo Salvador Cristales Hernández and the Mercantile Expert Eva Chacón Chacón. We are a voluntary non-profit...
Capacity building Justice Rights & Advocacy Honduras
The Associaçao dos Povos Indígenas Tiriyó, Kaxuyana e Txikuyana (APITIKATXI) is an association which represents the collective interests of the communities in the Tumucumaque Indigenous Reserve to government agencies and non...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Brazil
The Association of American Indian Affairs is the oldest non-profit serving Indian Country protecting sovereignty, preserving culture, educating youth and building capacity. The Association was formed in 1922 to change the...
Education Capacity building Culture Rights & Advocacy Youth United States
Africa’s ultimate eco-lodge, organic farm, and digital nomad oasis nestled in the heart of the Great Rift Valley; where traditional Maasai culture meets modern ingenuity and regenerative agriculture. Narok, Kenya
Agriculture Culture Kenya
CI's objective is to improve well-being, rights and sustainable development of the Indigenous Peoples communities, through strengthening the Indigenous Peoples’ sense of ownership on land and natural resources management...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Cambodia
The Cambodia Institute for Research and Rural Development (CIRD) is a non-governmental professional organization founded in 2009 by a team of qualified agriculture-based rural development specialists with the mission to...
Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Livelihoods Economic development Cambodia
We are the Organization of Peasant and Indigenous Women Conamuri, we have been working with women of the working class in the countryside, organized in production committees and small associations, currently in 12 departments...
Women's empowerment Agriculture Sustainable Development Culture Paraguay