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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 13 - 24 of 84
Community Empowerment & Development Action (CEDA) is a Non-governmental, Non-political and Non-profit association. Our primary goals is to sensitize the devastated Somali community on various aspects including Health, Peace...
Health Rights & Advocacy Justice Somalia
CONFENIAE is a regional indigenous organization that represents about 1,500 communities belonging to the Amazonian, Kichwa, Shuar, Achuar, Waorani, Sapara, Andwa, Shiwiar, Cofan, Siona, Siekopai and Kijus nationalities. The...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Capacity building Ecuador
With a view to establishing itself as a unitary referent of the popular movement of the department of Intibucá, the fight in defense of the environment, the rescue of the Lenca culture and to improve the living conditions of...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Health Education Livelihoods Honduras
The National Indigenous Mayan Ch'orti Council of Honduras (CONIMCHH) is a private non-profit organization that facilitates integral development processes in its affiliated communities. Fight for the recovery of ancestral land...
Capacity building Education Honduras
The mission of COIAB is to defend the rights of indigenous peoples to land, health, education, culture and sustainability, considering the diversity of peoples, and seeking their autonomy through political articulation and...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Education Brazil
The East African Civil Society Organizations’ Forum is an autonomous umbrella body of all Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and CSOs in East Africa, with the primary objective of building a critical mass of knowledgeable...
Knowledge Capacity building Regional Tanzania
The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO) is a regional umbrella body bringing together civil society (CS) and community group (CG) voices to inform policies and improve the...
Health Tanzania
ECDO is a non-government and not-for-profit voluntary organization working for the development of different indigenous communities in Sylhet Division, the northeastern corner of Bangladesh. Our aim is to ensure that...
Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Education Economic development Health Culture Regional
We are the sum of women and men of indigenous and local communities that unite our efforts for the exercise of our rights and the appropriation of our territories, always walking towards Good Living .
Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Economic development Mexico
We are First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN), a national organisation of and for Australia's First Peoples with disability, their families and communities. Our organisation is governed by first peoples with lived...
Health Rights & Advocacy Justice Australia
Forward Africa is a non-profit development organization founded in 1992 to strengthen the capacity of individuals, especially women and youth within the communities to respond to their identified basics needs, using resources...
Capacity building Youth Women's empowerment Nigeria
The FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) is an Indigenous-led global entity part of the Forest Stewardship Council family co-creating Indigenous forest-nature-based solutions and promoting Indigenous rights and Indigenous...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Economic development