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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 121 - 132 of 167
Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg is a not for profit charitable Indigenous organization that provides high quality programs and services across the entire life cycle to the Indigenous population in Hamilton, Brantford and surrounding...
Culture Education Youth Knowledge Canada
North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services Limited delivers services as well as fosters and maintains partnerships with Indigenous people and other like organisations to create a meaningful and enriching future...
Education Culture Youth Rights & Advocacy Australia
The Nyae Nyae Development Foundation Namibia (NNDFN) is a non-governmental organisation working with San communities in Namibia.
Livelihoods Economic development Rights & Advocacy Justice Sustainable Development Namibia
The Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, emerged in 1978 as a Federation of the Garífuna people of Honduras, blending into the defense of their cultural and territorial rights, with the purpose of achieving...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
Association Okani is a Baka run organisation from East Cameroon, created in 2006 and registered under N°063/RDA/B15/A2/BAPP/2, in Bertoua. Okani has extensive experience in advocacy, community project management, including...
Economic development Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Cameroon
Onaway envision a world where Indigenous tribes can live their traditional lifestyles, preserving their knowledge, skills, and traditions to ensure a sustainable future for their people. We work alongside Indigenous people...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Regional
In the 1960s, the indigenous peoples joined the struggles for land led by the peasant sectors. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the creation of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) led to the creation of different regional...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Colombia
The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition (ONLC) is the only Indigenous specific provincial networking and field development organization in Canada that provides support to 19 Indigenous Adult Literacy Programs on Reserve and in...
Education Knowledge Canada
The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) represents the collective interests of 29 Friendship Centres in cities and towns across the province. Friendship Centres improve the lives of urban Indigenous...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Culture Canada
The Native Amazon Operation (OPAN) is the first indigenous organization founded in Brazil, in 1969. For 52 years, OPAN has been working to strengthen indigenous leadership in the regional scenario, valuing their culture and...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Brazil
The General Organization of Mayuruna has the objective of fighting for development and for cultural valorization, in addition to the defense of the Matsés right and territory.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Brazil
The National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women of Peru (ONAMIAP) was born on November 25, 2009, the International Day against Violence against Women, as a result of a long process of training, debate and...
Women's empowerment Youth Knowledge Peru