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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 121 - 132 of 167
We are NATSILS, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services. We represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) around the country. We strive towards true justice for our...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Australia
Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) is an autonomous and the one and only representative umbrella organization of the 59 indigenous nationalities or peoples, recognized by the government of Nepal. It was...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Education Nepal
REPALEAC is a sub-regional civil society organization created in 2003 in Kigali, Rwanda. REPALEAC and its active national networks in Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Central African Republic of the...
Rights & Advocacy Climate change Education Natural resources & biodiversity Leadership Culture
Mapuche NEWENCHE Association, founded in 2002 by active members of Mapuche grassroots and sociopolitical organizations, constitutes an Indigenous Association that seeks to create a bridge at the service of the human dignity...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Culture Livelihoods Chile
The primary role of Ngā Aho Whakaari is to represent Māori in screen industries. As a strategic tangata whenua partner in advocating and building relationships with government, the screen sector and related communities.
Culture Rights & Advocacy New Zealand
At the Niagara Regional Native Centre we strive to serve all Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island including First Nations, Inuit, and Metis.
Health Youth Economic development Education Rights & Advocacy Canada
The National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. (NICOA) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1976 by members of the National Tribal Chairmen’s Association who called for a national organization focused on the needs of aging...
Rights & Advocacy Economic development Health United States
North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services Limited delivers services as well as fosters and maintains partnerships with Indigenous people and other like organisations to create a meaningful and enriching future...
Education Culture Youth Rights & Advocacy Australia
The Nyae Nyae Development Foundation Namibia (NNDFN) is a non-governmental organisation working with San communities in Namibia.
Livelihoods Economic development Rights & Advocacy Justice Sustainable Development Namibia
The Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, emerged in 1978 as a Federation of the Garífuna people of Honduras, blending into the defense of their cultural and territorial rights, with the purpose of achieving...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
Association Okani is a Baka run organisation from East Cameroon, created in 2006 and registered under N°063/RDA/B15/A2/BAPP/2, in Bertoua. Okani has extensive experience in advocacy, community project management, including...
Economic development Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Cameroon
Onaway envision a world where Indigenous tribes can live their traditional lifestyles, preserving their knowledge, skills, and traditions to ensure a sustainable future for their people. We work alongside Indigenous people...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Regional