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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 85 - 96 of 148
JPIC Kalimantan is a non-profit and non-government organization. Indeed, this is a movement to fight for justice, peace and integrity of creation/protection of environment. It was born from struggle, action and reflection of...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Livelihoods Indonesia
Federation of Caucasus Associations is the largest Circassian association in Turkey and is a union of Circassian and other North Caucasian associations from various provinces of Turkey. The Federation describes itself as...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Turkey
The ‡Khomani San community seeks to be “an empowered and vibrant community that values and is grounded in its culture and tradition, deriving optimal benefit from the various resources and assets owned by and available to it...
Culture Rights & Advocacy South Africa
Kenya Voluntary Development Association (KVDA) is an indigenous, non-political and membership organization which is non-sectarian and non-profit making started in 1962 as a work camp organization registered under the...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Economic development Capacity building Kenya
Since its inception, the Kuki Women's Human Rights Organisation (KWHRO) has been working to promote social, educational and health rights of women, and gender equality among Kuki society and other communities both inside and...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Myanmar
LEAP Africa is a youth-focused leadership development organization committed to raising leaders that will transform Africa; through interventions for young people, that bridges the gap in leadership, education, employability...
Youth Economic development Capacity building Leadership Education Regional
The main goal of the IPO "Lyoravetlian" is to improve the capabilities of the communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East for fuller equal participation in the multinational society of the Russian...
Rights & Advocacy Russia
The Maleya Foundation is an indigenous peoples’ organization working on environment, climate change, human rights and development in Bangladesh, with focus on the rights of IPs.
Climate change Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Justice Bangladesh
Non-profit union organization that represents the Lenca People.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
The Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB) is an organisation facilitating the coordination and exchange of territorial authorities that administer or influence major forested areas of Mesoamerica. Indigenous...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Climate change
The Métis National Council works to support and enrich the lives of Métis people across the homeland. The Métis National Council is committed to working with its Governing Members, the Federal and Provincial governments, and...
Justice Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Canada
MASTA (Moskitia Asla Takanka – “Unity of La Moskitia”) was founded on the 26th June 1976 in the community of Awas, in the territory of BAMIASTA. It aims to strengthen indigenous autonomy and governance in La Moskitia...
Rights & Advocacy Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras