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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 121 - 132 of 148
We are an indigenous organization that works in 15 basins (Putumayo, Napo, Tigre, Corrientes, Marañón, Yaquerana, Bajo Amazonas, Ucayali) and has the wisdom of 15 indigenous peoples and 21 base federations whom it represents...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Livelihoods Peru
The ORPIA Regional Indigenous Organization is an association created in 1993, which brings together representatives of the 20 indigenous peoples of the Venezuelan Amazon.
Rights & Advocacy Venezuela
PACOS Trust is a community-based organization dedicated to supporting indigenous communities in Sabah. Although registered under the Trustees Ordinance (Sabah) only in 1997, we have been actively involved with communities...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Education Natural resources & biodiversity Malaysia
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya is the Kenyan country chapter of the PELUM Association and has a membership of 57 Member Organizations. PELUM Kenya network promotes agroecological principles and...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Kenya
POINT (Promotion of Indigenous and Nature Together) was established in March 2012. It is started as a response to the lack of organization led by “Indigenous Peoples” working for Indigenous Peoples’ issues in Myanmar. In the...
Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Climate change Education Natural resources & biodiversity Myanmar
We Mẽbêngôkre (or Kayapó) communities created, in 2001, the Raoni Institute to defend the interests of our people. IR is a non-profit, non-partisan Civil Society Organization of Public Interest located in the city of Peixoto...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Brazil
Red Nacional de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos Indígenas Lencas de La Paz (REDHILPAZ) is a group of indigenous leaders that provides support to cases of human rights violations in the department of La Paz, and now they are...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice Honduras
The Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition is an initiative of public interest CSOs and social movements - peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, landless people, consumers, urban people living in poverty...
Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Rights & Advocacy Regional
The Saami Council is a voluntary Saami organization (a non–governmental organization), with Saami member organizations in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden. Since it was founded in 1956 the Saami Council has actively dealt...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Finland Russia Norway Sweden Regional
SAFIHRO is an indigenous and Human Rights, Community and Skills development, Paralegal Services and Judicial Council organisation. SAFIHRO has been founded by a descendant of the Griqua people, Barend Christoffel van Wyk for...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy South Africa
Being more than merely an aid distribution programme, the Sakhalin Indigenous Minorities Development Plan is creating opportunities for the Sakhalin Indigenous Minorities to acquire new knowledge and experience in field of...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Sustainable Development Russia
SILDAP-SE Inc. envisions a society where the indigenous peoples enjoy the abundance and bounty of their ancestral domains; stand proud, with dignity in their rich culture and traditions; live in peace and harmony with nature...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice Philippines