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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 49
Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Limited (AHCSA) is the peak body representing Aboriginal community controlled health and substance misuse services in South Australia. Our primary role is to be the ‘health voice’...
Health Australia
APANO’s mission is to support individuals and communities through healthy mental, physical and spiritual development, and preserve traditional and cultural lifestyles. Although APANO is an Aboriginal organization, we value...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Health Livelihoods Canada
Adiwasi Mahasangh is a federation of tribal organization With more then 98 tribal Member organization . It is registered under section 8 Company Act As" Aboriginal tribals of India federation". it is a Non Profitable...
Education Youth Health Livelihoods Women's empowerment India
AIDA’s (Australian Indigenous Doctor's Association) purpose is to grow ethical and professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors who will lead and drive equitable and just health outcomes for all our peoples.
Health Australia
Ak´ Tenamit is an Indigenous Community Based Organization dedicated to appropriate vocational training, preventive and curative health and sustainable economic development for the self-determination of native peoples and...
Economic development Capacity building Health Rights & Advocacy Guatemala
The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network wants to support, sustain and help consolidate the various efforts of Indigenous women in Asia to critically understand the roots of their marginalized situation and to empower themselves...
Equity Women's empowerment Philippines
Working together to keep our Indigenous culture alive and creating a better future for all people, Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle serves as a regional health and social planning organization based upon the concepts of...
Culture Livelihoods Health Canada
The official formation of the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (C.I.N.A.) was in 1975 as Registered Nurses, Indian and Inuit Association of Canada. However, its origins precede this historic date by one year. In 1974...
Health Canada
Community Empowerment & Development Action (CEDA) is a Non-governmental, Non-political and Non-profit association. Our primary goals is to sensitize the devastated Somali community on various aspects including Health, Peace...
Health Rights & Advocacy Justice Somalia
With a view to establishing itself as a unitary referent of the popular movement of the department of Intibucá, the fight in defense of the environment, the rescue of the Lenca culture and to improve the living conditions of...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Health Education Livelihoods Honduras
The mission of COIAB is to defend the rights of indigenous peoples to land, health, education, culture and sustainability, considering the diversity of peoples, and seeking their autonomy through political articulation and...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Education Brazil
The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO) is a regional umbrella body bringing together civil society (CS) and community group (CG) voices to inform policies and improve the...
Health Tanzania