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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Abundance of Hope Initiative is a non-governmental organization established to support food security, green life and healthy society through consultation and engagement with indigenous and international partners /...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Women's empowerment Youth Nigeria
Association des Femmes Peuls Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT)'s mission is to improve the living conditions of the Mbororo Fulani of Chad, particularly the indigenous Fulani women of Chad, by working on the defense of fundamental...
Sustainable Development Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Rights & Advocacy Chad
APAD focuses on the economic, environmental, education, climate change adaptation and social issues impacting the pastoralist communities of Turkana County, West Pokot County, and the cross-border regions of Ethiopia, South...
Economic development Sustainable Development Education Climate change Kenya
AIMPO is a community-centered, grassroots organization in Rwanda that seeks to protect and promote the rights, welfare, and development of the Historically Marginalized People.
Rights & Advocacy Economic development Agriculture Climate change Sustainable Development Rwanda
The Arctic Athabaskan Council was founded in 2000. At that time it represented approximately 32,000 indigenous peoples of Athabaskan descent. Today there are council members in Alaska (including fifteen traditional villages)...
Culture Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Canada
The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network wants to support, sustain and help consolidate the various efforts of Indigenous women in Asia to critically understand the roots of their marginalized situation and to empower themselves...
Equity Women's empowerment Philippines
AYT are an independent, non-partisan, development and advocacy organization. Founded in 2005, AYT is registered under the Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act. AYT was created specifically to spearhead a Youth Led Development...
Youth Women's empowerment Economic development Climate change Regional Kenya
It is our wish that ethnic minorities realize their right to a better quality of life, confidently participate in development processes; national cultural heritages will be preserved and handed down to descendants; with their...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Culture Vietnam
The Cambodia Indigenous Youth Association (CIYA) was established by a group of Cambodian Indigenous Students in Phnom Penh in 2005 and was officially recognised by the Royal Government of Cambodia (Ministry of Interior) in...
Education Youth Culture Climate change Sustainable Development Cambodia
Coastal First Nations is a unique alliance of nine Nations living on British Columbia’s North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii. Each Nation has its own distinct culture, governance and territory.
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Culture Canada
The Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon – COIAB, founded on April 19, 1989, is the largest regional indigenous organization in Brazil, which emerged on the initiative of leaders of existing...
Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Women's empowerment Youth Brazil
We are the Organization of Peasant and Indigenous Women Conamuri, we have been working with women of the working class in the countryside, organized in production committees and small associations, currently in 12 departments...
Women's empowerment Agriculture Sustainable Development Culture Paraguay