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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 61 - 72 of 156
Our mission is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Honor the Earth develops these...
Culture United States
The Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation — IMPACT — works in the Northern Frontiers of Kenya, home to a considerable proportion of Kenyan Indigenous Peoples. Our current projects are spread...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Kenya
The Indigenous First Nation Advocacy South Africa (IFNASA) is a Cultural Civil Rights Movement, focusing on the Restoration of the Essence of the Classified Coloured People, Seed of the First and Foundation People of South...
Rights & Advocacy Culture South Africa
The Indigenous Heartland Organization (IHO) was formulated and registered in Tanzania as a nonprofit making organization, to facilitate the empowerment and development of indigenous people living in or adjacent to protected...
Culture Sustainable Development Justice Economic development Tanzania
The IPCB is organized to assist indigenous peoples in the protection of their genetic resources, indigenous knowledge, cultural and human rights from the negative effects of biotechnology. The IPCB provides educational and...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Rights & Advocacy Culture United States
The Indigenous Peoples’ Foundation for Education and Environment (IPF) was officially established by a joint effort of indigenous peoples’ leaders and local academics. Its main aim at that time was to build capacity for...
Education Capacity building Climate change Sustainable Development Thailand
IDA (Initiative for the Development of Africa) is an NGO that promotes, through business and cultural activities, the principles of a better world and contributes, through international cooperation, to the development of the...
Economic development Culture Regional
Dayakology Institute or ID is a non-governmental organization that carries out efforts to revitalize and restitution of Dayak cultural identity. ID was established as a response of the Dayak Indigenous People to various...
Culture Education Knowledge Indonesia
The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty and Self Determination of Indigenous...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Culture United States
Founded in 1977 by the late Eben Hopson of Barrow, Alaska, the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) has flourished and grown into a major international non-government organization representing approximately 180,000 Inuit of Alaska...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Culture Rights & Advocacy Canada Russia United States Denmark
Federation of Caucasus Associations is the largest Circassian association in Turkey and is a union of Circassian and other North Caucasian associations from various provinces of Turkey. The Federation describes itself as...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Turkey
KAʻEHU is a nonprofit organization with the goal to restore the land and perpetuate traditional Hawaiian culture using a community-based, inclusive, family-oriented approach to environmental stewardship and sustainable...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Culture Economic development United States