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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 102
Adiwasi Mahasangh is a federation of tribal organization With more then 98 tribal Member organization . It is registered under section 8 Company Act As" Aboriginal tribals of India federation". it is a Non Profitable...
Education Youth Health Livelihoods Women's empowerment India
Abundance of Hope Initiative is a non-governmental organization established to support food security, green life and healthy society through consultation and engagement with indigenous and international partners /...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Women's empowerment Youth Nigeria
Adivasi Mahila Mahasangh is an open platform of indigenous women dotted across the Jashpur District of Chhattisgarh. We work for the empowerment of our community through democratic space making and creative livelihood...
Women's empowerment Justice Rights & Advocacy Livelihoods Philippines
Association des Femmes Peuls Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT)'s mission is to improve the living conditions of the Mbororo Fulani of Chad, particularly the indigenous Fulani women of Chad, by working on the defense of fundamental...
Sustainable Development Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Rights & Advocacy Chad
AIDESEP is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Perú, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Women's empowerment Peru
The Aleut International Association (AIA) is a not-for-profit corporation that represents the Indigenous peoples of Aleut descent in the United States and the Russian Federation. It was created by the Aleutian Pribilof...
Culture Natural resources & biodiversity United States Russia
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) or The Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago is an independent civil organization of which members are from Indigenous Peoples communities around the archipelago.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Indonesia
All My Relations is a team of folks who care about representations, and how Native peoples are represented in mainstream media. Between us we have decades of experience working in and with Native communities, and writing and...
Women's empowerment Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice United States
The creation of the Association for the Promotion of Burundian Girls (APFB) was the initiative of a small number of student girls who were already involved in the associative movements of young people and women; and were...
Education Women's empowerment Youth Burundi
The Arctic Athabaskan Council was founded in 2000. At that time it represented approximately 32,000 indigenous peoples of Athabaskan descent. Today there are council members in Alaska (including fifteen traditional villages)...
Culture Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Canada
The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network wants to support, sustain and help consolidate the various efforts of Indigenous women in Asia to critically understand the roots of their marginalized situation and to empower themselves...
Equity Women's empowerment Philippines
AMIR manages and defends human rights to improve the living conditions of indigenous Lenca women and girls from the communities where they have a presence in the municipality of Intibucá through their participation in...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras