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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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AMIR manages and defends human rights to improve the living conditions of indigenous Lenca women and girls from the communities where they have a presence in the municipality of Intibucá through their participation in...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
Our vision is to be an autonomous region with a sustainable economy, maintaining the shape and worldview of the Embera and Wounaan people in balance with mother earth and biodiversity.
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Economic development Panama
With a view to establishing itself as a unitary referent of the popular movement of the department of Intibucá, the fight in defense of the environment, the rescue of the Lenca culture and to improve the living conditions of...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Health Education Livelihoods Honduras
Our mission is to be a leading organization in the unity, cohesion and defense of the territories, lands and natural resources of the Indigenous Peoples of Panama.
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Panama
Non-profit union organization that represents the Lenca People.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
The Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB) is an organisation facilitating the coordination and exchange of territorial authorities that administer or influence major forested areas of Mesoamerica. Indigenous...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Climate change
MASTA (Moskitia Asla Takanka – “Unity of La Moskitia”) was founded on the 26th June 1976 in the community of Awas, in the territory of BAMIASTA. It aims to strengthen indigenous autonomy and governance in La Moskitia...
Rights & Advocacy Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
The Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, emerged in 1978 as a Federation of the Garífuna people of Honduras, blending into the defense of their cultural and territorial rights, with the purpose of achieving...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
Sotz’il is an Indigenous Organisation of a technical nature, based on the principles and values of the Mayan cosmic vision, and is made up of community representatives and indigenous leaders and professionals. Sotz'il's main...
Natural resources & biodiversity Capacity building Knowledge Climate change Guatemala