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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 37 - 48 of 97
Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, CRIC, is the organization that brings together more than 90% of the indigenous communities of the department of Cauca.
Economic development Culture Colombia
The mission of COIAB is to defend the rights of indigenous peoples to land, health, education, culture and sustainability, considering the diversity of peoples, and seeking their autonomy through political articulation and...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Education Brazil
Ecuarunari has its bases in the indigenous and peasant communities, Indigenous Peoples; dynamizer of processes, interlocutor and promoter of economic, social, cultural policies, oriented to change in Ecuadorian society that...
Rights & Advocacy Ecuador
The Indigenous Federation of the Cofán Nationality of Ecuador - FEINCE was established as a legal organization as of June 20, 2001. It was created to represent the 10 Cofán communities in the political, legal sphere and to...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Ecuador
The Pilagá Federation, officially the Federation of Communities of the Pilagá People, is an indigenous organization in Argentina, which brings together the communities of the Pilagá ethnic group. The Federation brings...
Economic development Argentina
We are an autonomous and representative indigenous federation, made up of 13 organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay, from the two regions of the country: Oriental and Occidental or Chaco.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Paraguay
FEINE Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples & Organizations) is an indigenous association of churches that promotes spiritual and holistic...
Culture Ecuador
We are the regional organization that represents 37 communities in the department of Madre de Dios, two of them located in Cusco, grouped into seven indigenous peoples. Fenamad seeks to defend the rights of the Amazon...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Regional
We are the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous, Black and Montubia Organizations - FENOCIN, which includes organizations of: artisanal fishermen, workers, farmers, trade associations, taxi drivers, artists...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Ecuador
First Languages Australia encourages communication between communities, the government and key partners whose work can impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. We build links between communities and the...
Education Culture Information Knowledge Australia
The First Nations Media Australia is the peak body for First Nations not-for-profit broadcasting, media and communications. Founded in 2001 as the peak body for remote Indigenous media and communications, we undertook a...
Information management and knowledge sharing Information Culture Australia