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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 47
AIDESEP is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Perú, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Women's empowerment Peru
The Ainu Association of Hokkaido is an organization made up of Ainu who live in Hokkaido, which aims to "work to improve the social status of Ainu people and to develop, transmit and preserve Ainu culture in order to...
Culture Justice Rights & Advocacy Japan
The Aleut International Association (AIA) is a not-for-profit corporation that represents the Indigenous peoples of Aleut descent in the United States and the Russian Federation. It was created by the Aleutian Pribilof...
Culture Natural resources & biodiversity United States Russia
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) or The Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago is an independent civil organization of which members are from Indigenous Peoples communities around the archipelago.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Indonesia
Asociacion de descendientes de la Nación Charrúa (ADENCH) is a non-profit association, born in 1989, in Uruguay, which promotes the rescue of indigenous identity.
Culture Rights & Advocacy Uruguay
The Associação Indigenista de Maringá is a non-profit institution that works with the reception of peoples, promotion of the Kaingang culture and humanization of the quality of life of this population. For this, ASSINDI...
Education Youth Culture Livelihoods Brazil
The handicraft produced by indigenous women from Tarauacá and Jordão and other ethnic groups present in the state of Acre, reflects the ancestry of the Kaxinawá ethnic group, one of the most expressive in the Brazilian Amazon...
Culture Brazil
PITV Calama Noticias is a news site from Calama and northern Chile. News from native peoples of the Antofagasta region such as San Pedro de Atacama, Chiu Chiu, Lasana, Toconao, Socaire, Ayquina to mention a few and the main...
Culture Chile
It is our wish that ethnic minorities realize their right to a better quality of life, confidently participate in development processes; national cultural heritages will be preserved and handed down to descendants; with their...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Culture Vietnam
Organization that was born in 1982 as the center of four founding peoples: Chiquitanos, Ayoreos, Guarayos, Guaraníes. He currently represents the 34 indigenous peoples of Tierras Bajas. Its mission is to defend their rights...
Culture Economic development Bolivia
Center for Indigenous Work - CTI is a non-profit association, founded in March 1979 by anthropologists and indigenists. It is made up of professionals with qualified training and experience in the most varied fields and...
Natural resources & biodiversity Culture Rights & Advocacy Brazil
The China Ethnic Museum is a museum in Beijing, China. The museum's goals are the following: To demonstrate ethnic architecture To preserve ethnic relics To spread ethnic knowledge To study ethnic heritage To enhance ethnic...
Culture Education Rights & Advocacy China