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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 74
Adiwasi Mahasangh is a federation of tribal organization With more then 98 tribal Member organization . It is registered under section 8 Company Act As" Aboriginal tribals of India federation". it is a Non Profitable...
Education Youth Health Livelihoods Women's empowerment India
Adivasi Mahila Mahasangh is an open platform of indigenous women dotted across the Jashpur District of Chhattisgarh. We work for the empowerment of our community through democratic space making and creative livelihood...
Women's empowerment Justice Rights & Advocacy Livelihoods Philippines
The Ainu Association of Hokkaido is an organization made up of Ainu who live in Hokkaido, which aims to "work to improve the social status of Ainu people and to develop, transmit and preserve Ainu culture in order to...
Culture Justice Rights & Advocacy Japan
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1992 by indigenous peoples’ movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and...
Rights & Advocacy
Ak´ Tenamit is an Indigenous Community Based Organization dedicated to appropriate vocational training, preventive and curative health and sustainable economic development for the self-determination of native peoples and...
Economic development Capacity building Health Rights & Advocacy Guatemala
The Aleut International Association (AIA) is a not-for-profit corporation that represents the Indigenous peoples of Aleut descent in the United States and the Russian Federation. It was created by the Aleutian Pribilof...
Culture Natural resources & biodiversity United States Russia
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) or The Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago is an independent civil organization of which members are from Indigenous Peoples communities around the archipelago.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Indonesia
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1992 by Indigenous Peoples’ movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and...
Rights & Advocacy Nepal India Myanmar Laos Cambodia Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Japan China Philippines Indonesia Timor-Leste
The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network wants to support, sustain and help consolidate the various efforts of Indigenous women in Asia to critically understand the roots of their marginalized situation and to empower themselves...
Equity Women's empowerment Philippines
AMIR manages and defends human rights to improve the living conditions of indigenous Lenca women and girls from the communities where they have a presence in the municipality of Intibucá through their participation in...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
We were born in the departmental capital of Ocotepeque on January 12, 2011, Founded at the initiative of Mr. Hugo Salvador Cristales Hernández and the Mercantile Expert Eva Chacón Chacón. We are a voluntary non-profit...
Capacity building Justice Rights & Advocacy Honduras
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
Rights & Advocacy Justice Palestine