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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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AIDESEP is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Perú, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Women's empowerment Peru
The Ashaninka do Rio Amônia Association – Apiwtxa (a term that means union) was created in 1991 as a strategy to strengthen our community. It works as an operational arm of the community so that we can manage our projects and...
Capacity building Economic development Brazil
Organization that was born in 1982 as the center of four founding peoples: Chiquitanos, Ayoreos, Guarayos, Guaraníes. He currently represents the 34 indigenous peoples of Tierras Bajas. Its mission is to defend their rights...
Culture Economic development Bolivia
The Coordinator for the Integration of Economic Organizations of Indigenous Peoples from Bolivia "CIOEC-BOLIVIA" was established on October 27, 1991, it was integrated as an associate from the year 2000. It is the highest...
Economic development Bolivia
Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, CRIC, is the organization that brings together more than 90% of the indigenous communities of the department of Cauca.
Economic development Culture Colombia
The Pilagá Federation, officially the Federation of Communities of the Pilagá People, is an indigenous organization in Argentina, which brings together the communities of the Pilagá ethnic group. The Federation brings...
Economic development Argentina
Founded in 1987, FOIRN represents 23 indigenous peoples from the Rio Negro, in an area that encompasses the municipalities of Barcelos, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in Amazonas.
Economic development Sustainable Development Education Climate change Brazil
The FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) is an Indigenous-led global entity part of the Forest Stewardship Council family co-creating Indigenous forest-nature-based solutions and promoting Indigenous rights and Indigenous...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Economic development
MUCECH or Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile, is the strategic union of national peasant organizations of a social, political, economic and cultural nature, which was born in Talagante on November 13, 1987.
Economic development Agriculture Chile
We Mẽbêngôkre (or Kayapó) communities created, in 2001, the Raoni Institute to defend the interests of our people. IR is a non-profit, non-partisan Civil Society Organization of Public Interest located in the city of Peixoto...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Brazil
The UNIBOL Guaraní and Peoples of the Lowlands "Apiaguaiki Tüpa" is an educational institution of superior, humanistic, community and productive training, with relevance and quality in professional training; vanguard in the...
Economic development Culture Rights & Advocacy Bolivia