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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Abundance of Hope Initiative is a non-governmental organization established to support food security, green life and healthy society through consultation and engagement with indigenous and international partners /...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Women's empowerment Youth Nigeria
Association des Femmes Peuls Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT)'s mission is to improve the living conditions of the Mbororo Fulani of Chad, particularly the indigenous Fulani women of Chad, by working on the defense of fundamental...
Sustainable Development Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Rights & Advocacy Chad
APAD focuses on the economic, environmental, education, climate change adaptation and social issues impacting the pastoralist communities of Turkana County, West Pokot County, and the cross-border regions of Ethiopia, South...
Economic development Sustainable Development Education Climate change Kenya
AIDESEP is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Perú, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Women's empowerment Peru
AIMPO is a community-centered, grassroots organization in Rwanda that seeks to protect and promote the rights, welfare, and development of the Historically Marginalized People.
Rights & Advocacy Economic development Agriculture Climate change Sustainable Development Rwanda
Amava Oluntu seeks to create interpersonal spaces of learning that recognize the multiple forms of wisdom we all have to share with one another. Seeking to create more just futures, they focus on youth to equip young citizens...
Youth South Africa
The creation of the Association for the Promotion of Burundian Girls (APFB) was the initiative of a small number of student girls who were already involved in the associative movements of young people and women; and were...
Education Women's empowerment Youth Burundi
We promote the integral development of the Indigenous Peoples of the Bolivian lowlands.
Rights & Advocacy Bolivia
The Ashaninka do Rio Amônia Association – Apiwtxa (a term that means union) was created in 1991 as a strategy to strengthen our community. It works as an operational arm of the community so that we can manage our projects and...
Capacity building Economic development Brazil
Asociacion de descendientes de la Nación Charrúa (ADENCH) is a non-profit association, born in 1989, in Uruguay, which promotes the rescue of indigenous identity.
Culture Rights & Advocacy Uruguay
Asociación Mapuche We Küyen (New Moon) of the Lo Espejo Community gathers neighbors and families of the community together. They seek to awaken hundred of Mapuches who still live in clandesnity, going under the layer of...
Rights & Advocacy Chile
The National Confederation of Bolivian Indigenous Peasant Women "Bartolina Sisa" CNMCIOB "BS", was founded on January 10, 1980. As a result of the decisive role that many women had played in various blockades, during the...
Women's empowerment Bolivia