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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Founded by LaDonna Harris (Comanche) and a cohort of her fellow Native American activists in 1970, AIO draws upon traditional Indigenous philosophies to foster value-based leadership, inspire stakeholder-driven solutions, and...
Culture Education Economic development United States
The Arctic Athabaskan Council was founded in 2000. At that time it represented approximately 32,000 indigenous peoples of Athabaskan descent. Today there are council members in Alaska (including fifteen traditional villages)...
Culture Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Canada
The Chippewas of Rama First Nation have been known as a caring, sharing people throughout history. Our Chippewa territory has been called ‘the gathering place’ where travellers rested before continuing on their journey, where...
Culture Economic development Canada
The Coalition of Hamilton Indigenous Leadership (CHIL) is a collaborative of Indigenous organizational leaders. CHIL receives federal, provincial, and municipal funding which is then allocated to local Indigenous agencies to...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Economic development Canada
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples represents the interests of Métis, status and Non-status Indians, and Southern Inuit Indigenous People living off-reserve in Canada. Our mandate is to improve the socio-economic conditions...
Economic development Rights & Advocacy Canada
We are the sum of women and men of indigenous and local communities that unite our efforts for the exercise of our rights and the appropriation of our territories, always walking towards Good Living .
Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Economic development Mexico
The File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) is the political and service organization for the Qu’Appelle Agency and the File Hills Agency, delivering programs and services to the 11 First Nations in the Treaty Four...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Canada
First Nations Development Institute improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance & training, and advocacy & policy.
Economic development United States
The FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF) is an Indigenous-led global entity part of the Forest Stewardship Council family co-creating Indigenous forest-nature-based solutions and promoting Indigenous rights and Indigenous...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Economic development
Since 1972 the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, has been providing the Indigenous community with a place to gather, access service and participate in Cultural teachings and practices. The Friendship Centre provides wrap...
Education Health Youth Economic development Capacity building Livelihoods Canada
Indígenas y Grupos Vulnerables por México A.C support the development of people by generating growth opportunities to improve the quality of life and create solid foundations for future generations.
Livelihoods Economic development Mexico
Indigenous Works, formerly the Aboriginal Human Resource Council, is a national social enterprise. We were founded as a non-profit national organization in 1998 as a recommendation from the 1996 Report on the Royal Commission...
Economic development Canada