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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The Indigenous First Nation Advocacy South Africa (IFNASA) is a Cultural Civil Rights Movement, focusing on the Restoration of the Essence of the Classified Coloured People, Seed of the First and Foundation People of South...
Rights & Advocacy Culture South Africa
The ‡Khomani San community seeks to be “an empowered and vibrant community that values and is grounded in its culture and tradition, deriving optimal benefit from the various resources and assets owned by and available to it...
Culture Rights & Advocacy South Africa
Non-profit union organization that represents the Lenca People.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
The Council of the Ch'orti' Nation was formed in 2016, we are made up of three indigenous organizations representing the Ch'orti' people, the Ch'orti Peasant Indigenous Association "Nuevo Día", located in the Ch'orti region '...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Justice Guatemala Honduras
Red Nacional de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos Indígenas Lencas de La Paz (REDHILPAZ) is a group of indigenous leaders that provides support to cases of human rights violations in the department of La Paz, and now they are...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice Honduras