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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The creation of the Association for the Promotion of Burundian Girls (APFB) was the initiative of a small number of student girls who were already involved in the associative movements of young people and women; and were...
Education Women's empowerment Youth Burundi
Asociación Mapuche We Küyen (New Moon) of the Lo Espejo Community gathers neighbors and families of the community together. They seek to awaken hundred of Mapuches who still live in clandesnity, going under the layer of...
Rights & Advocacy Chile
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
Rights & Advocacy Justice Palestine
PITV Calama Noticias is a news site from Calama and northern Chile. News from native peoples of the Antofagasta region such as San Pedro de Atacama, Chiu Chiu, Lasana, Toconao, Socaire, Ayquina to mention a few and the main...
Culture Chile
Identidad Territorial Lafkenche is an indigenous organization that brings together a group of communities and territorial actors that inhabit the Lafken Mapu or Mapuche coastal territory located between the Gulf of Arauco and...
Rights & Advocacy Chile
MUCECH or Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile, is the strategic union of national peasant organizations of a social, political, economic and cultural nature, which was born in Talagante on November 13, 1987.
Economic development Agriculture Chile
Mapuche NEWENCHE Association, founded in 2002 by active members of Mapuche grassroots and sociopolitical organizations, constitutes an Indigenous Association that seeks to create a bridge at the service of the human dignity...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Culture Livelihoods Chile
UNIPROBA is an association from Burundi for the promotion of the rights and cultures of the Batwa people.
Culture Rights & Advocacy Burundi