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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The Culture Nature Edzengui organisation is a community organization, legally recognized with a non-profit status, and an organization of indigenous peoples, group or association of ethnic minorities.
Culture Gabon
United Kingdom
The East African Civil Society Organizations’ Forum is an autonomous umbrella body of all Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and CSOs in East Africa, with the primary objective of building a critical mass of knowledgeable...
Knowledge Capacity building Regional Tanzania
The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO) is a regional umbrella body bringing together civil society (CS) and community group (CG) voices to inform policies and improve the...
Health Tanzania
FPP operates through two connected, but independent, organisations based in the United Kingdom (FPP UK) and the Netherlands (FPP NL), with a shared vision and mission. FPP’s teams have expertise in land rights, environment...
Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy United Kingdom Netherlands
The Indigenous Heartland Organization (IHO) was formulated and registered in Tanzania as a nonprofit making organization, to facilitate the empowerment and development of indigenous people living in or adjacent to protected...
Culture Sustainable Development Justice Economic development Tanzania
We work everyday to plant and grow trees, restore and conserve forests and strengthen community and ecosystem resilience. We believe in transformational tree planting, because when tree planting is done right it changes...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development United Kingdom
Ngorongo Conservation Area Authority (NCAA)'s vision "The best conservation area in the World”. The authority's mission statement is "To sustainably conserve biodiversity and cultural heritage, enhance livelihood of the...
Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Tanzania
The Pastoralist Indigenous Non Governmental Organization's Forum (PINGO's Forum) is an advocacy coalition of indigenous peoples' organizations who are currently 53, working in Tanzania for the rights of the marginalized...
Natural resources & biodiversity Livelihoods Sustainable Development Tanzania
The Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA) is a member-based organization representing the leading land rights civil society organizations in Tanzania. TALA plays a unique role in giving local communities and members a voice to...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Tanzania
Terrawatu taps time-tested ancient wisdom along with modern technology to create sustainable development projects rooted in community.
Health Education Capacity building Tanzania
The Development Committee for the Bakola/Bagyeli (Pygmies) of the districts of Bipindi and Kribi (CODEBABIK) is an association essentially composed of Bakola originating from the districts of Bipindi' and Kribi. Bipindi and...
Economic development Lands, forests and territories Gabon