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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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APANO’s mission is to support individuals and communities through healthy mental, physical and spiritual development, and preserve traditional and cultural lifestyles. Although APANO is an Aboriginal organization, we value...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Health Livelihoods Canada
Working together to keep our Indigenous culture alive and creating a better future for all people, Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle serves as a regional health and social planning organization based upon the concepts of...
Culture Livelihoods Health Canada
The CICA is a regional organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Central America, which is governed by the cosmogonic principles of the Peoples and their traditional organizations in search of the exercise of the rights of...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Livelihoods Regional
Green Africa Foundation was founded in Kenya in 2000 with a focus of implementing practical hands-on community driven projects aimed at greening the African continent.
Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Livelihoods Regional Kenya
Since 1972 the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, has been providing the Indigenous community with a place to gather, access service and participate in Cultural teachings and practices. The Friendship Centre provides wrap...
Education Health Youth Economic development Capacity building Livelihoods Canada
The KWUNWP is a non-profit organization that has served the First Nations, Metis and Inuit (Status or Non-Status) population of the Waterloo Region since 1987. It provides safe, secure, and affordable rent geared-to-income...
Livelihoods Economic development Canada
NATOA is a charity organization, and is committed to providing Indigenous Peoples of Canada with the resources and information that will help them efficiently create, manage, and operate trusts as a means to ensure the seven...
Economic development Livelihoods Canada
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services is a corporation with a mandate to provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit and Métis people living off-Reserve in Ontario. Our vision is to lead the...
Livelihoods Canada