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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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APANO’s mission is to support individuals and communities through healthy mental, physical and spiritual development, and preserve traditional and cultural lifestyles. Although APANO is an Aboriginal organization, we value...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Health Livelihoods Canada
Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G) is an indigenous youth led & driven grassroots, non profit organization focused on community support and opportunities for Indigenous youth, based on Unceded Algonquin Territory.
Youth Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice Canada
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is a national advocacy organization that works to advance the collective aspirations of First Nations individuals and communities across Canada on matters of national or international...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Canada
The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI) is a non-profit organization which advocates for the political interests of our member Nations in Ontario. AIAI is unique among provincial territorial organizations in...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Canada
The Coalition of Hamilton Indigenous Leadership (CHIL) is a collaborative of Indigenous organizational leaders. CHIL receives federal, provincial, and municipal funding which is then allocated to local Indigenous agencies to...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Economic development Canada
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples represents the interests of Métis, status and Non-status Indians, and Southern Inuit Indigenous People living off-reserve in Canada. Our mandate is to improve the socio-economic conditions...
Economic development Rights & Advocacy Canada
The CICA is a regional organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Central America, which is governed by the cosmogonic principles of the Peoples and their traditional organizations in search of the exercise of the rights of...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Livelihoods Regional
ECDO is a non-government and not-for-profit voluntary organization working for the development of different indigenous communities in Sylhet Division, the northeastern corner of Bangladesh. Our aim is to ensure that...
Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Education Economic development Health Culture Regional
We are the regional organization that represents 37 communities in the department of Madre de Dios, two of them located in Cusco, grouped into seven indigenous peoples. Fenamad seeks to defend the rights of the Amazon...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Regional
The File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) is the political and service organization for the Qu’Appelle Agency and the File Hills Agency, delivering programs and services to the 11 First Nations in the Treaty Four...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Canada
Founded in 1977 by the late Eben Hopson of Barrow, Alaska, the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) has flourished and grown into a major international non-government organization representing approximately 180,000 Inuit of Alaska...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Culture Rights & Advocacy Canada Russia United States Denmark
During the past four and a half decades ITK has been adept at adapting to the shifting political realities facing our people. It is because of our versatility that ITK is an effective and powerful voice for Inuit.
Justice Rights & Advocacy Canada