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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Adiwasi Mahasangh is a federation of tribal organization With more then 98 tribal Member organization . It is registered under section 8 Company Act As" Aboriginal tribals of India federation". it is a Non Profitable...
Education Youth Health Livelihoods Women's empowerment India
The Ainu Association of Hokkaido is an organization made up of Ainu who live in Hokkaido, which aims to "work to improve the social status of Ainu people and to develop, transmit and preserve Ainu culture in order to...
Culture Justice Rights & Advocacy Japan
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1992 by Indigenous Peoples’ movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and...
Rights & Advocacy Nepal India Myanmar Laos Cambodia Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Japan China Philippines Indonesia Timor-Leste
Economic development India
Indigenous Lawyers Association of India (ILAI) established in 2020 is a platform of the lawyers belonging to indigenous peoples in India seeking to strengthen the enforcement of existing rights of indigenous peoples and...
Rights & Advocacy Women's empowerment Capacity building India
Through the Climate Alliance, nearly 2,000 member municipalities and districts covering more than 25 European countries as well as a variety of regional governments, NGOs and other organisations are actively working to combat...
Climate change Sustainable Development Germany
As an environmental association, we are engaged in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area and support projects and measures at the Nah-Buteh Mahogany Park in Gambia. The objectives are the protection of flora, fauna, and the...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Germany
The NAAoG provides a central contact center opportunity for Native Americans visiting or living in Europe (temporarily or permanently). The NAAoG assists Native American artists, authors, guest speakers, educators, etc...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Germany
National Confederation of Indigenous Horse Societies ( NCIHS ) is a forum representing different societies working for the indigenous breed of horses ive. Marwari, Kathiawari, Maipuri, Spiti, Zanskari and Sindhi.
Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change India