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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO) is a regional umbrella body bringing together civil society (CS) and community group (CG) voices to inform policies and improve the...
Health Tanzania
The Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation — IMPACT — works in the Northern Frontiers of Kenya, home to a considerable proportion of Kenyan Indigenous Peoples. Our current projects are spread...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Kenya
Indigenous Information Network (IIN) is a non-profit, volunteer-run non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in the Republic of Kenya. The organization was founded in 1996 by a group of professionals in response to...
Health Youth Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Knowledge Kenya
NIA’s main mandate and core business is facilitating community empowerment through capacity strengthening, influencing and brokering useful linkages. NIA has an impressive track record and experience in implementing community...
Health Agriculture Sustainable Development Kenya
Terrawatu taps time-tested ancient wisdom along with modern technology to create sustainable development projects rooted in community.
Health Education Capacity building Tanzania
The Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) believes holistic health and culture are connected. They believe that culture shapes everything and that it is a marker of a healthy community. They believe we experience...
Culture Health Natural resources & biodiversity Kenya