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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The Ainu Association of Hokkaido is an organization made up of Ainu who live in Hokkaido, which aims to "work to improve the social status of Ainu people and to develop, transmit and preserve Ainu culture in order to...
Culture Justice Rights & Advocacy Japan
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1992 by Indigenous Peoples’ movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and...
Rights & Advocacy Nepal India Myanmar Laos Cambodia Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Japan China Philippines Indonesia Timor-Leste
We are an activist women organization, founded in 1986, working to establish equality for women. We strive to develop women agency at the grass-roots and contribute bringing their voices to national, regional and...
Women's empowerment Education Rights & Advocacy Bangladesh
We are a Dutch international development cooperation organization with more than 50 years of experience and a global presence. We contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality, ensuring sustainable livelihoods...
Education Bolivia Nicaragua Colombia
The Maleya Foundation is an indigenous peoples’ organization working on environment, climate change, human rights and development in Bangladesh, with focus on the rights of IPs.
Climate change Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Justice Bangladesh
Nagorik Uddyog promotes people’s participation and access to democracy, rights, justice & development. Since its establishment 1995, Nagorik Uddyog (NU) has worked to strengthen local government in Bangladesh via the dual...
Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Women's empowerment Bangladesh
Tarum Development Organization (TDO) visualized a prosperous, self-reliant, self-governed and just society that is free from all forms of discrimination and exploitation and where all peoples can live with peace and dignity.
Capacity building Livelihoods Climate change Bangladesh
YATAMA emerged in the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua in 1986 as the indigenous organization Yapti Tasba Masraka Nani Asla Takanka, (Organization of the Peoples of Mother Earth). YATAMA has participated in various elections since...
Rights & Advocacy Livelihoods Nicaragua