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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 25 - 34 of 34
The Native Amazon Operation (OPAN) is the first indigenous organization founded in Brazil, in 1969. For 52 years, OPAN has been working to strengthen indigenous leadership in the regional scenario, valuing their culture and...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Brazil
The General Organization of Mayuruna has the objective of fighting for development and for cultural valorization, in addition to the defense of the Matsés right and territory.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Brazil
With support of various donors, PWHE has over the years established programmes in Health, Education, Governance, and Women Economic Empowerment for livelihoods diversification. Some of the activities under health and...
Women's empowerment Youth Education Kenya
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya is the Kenyan country chapter of the PELUM Association and has a membership of 57 Member Organizations. PELUM Kenya network promotes agroecological principles and...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Kenya
We Mẽbêngôkre (or Kayapó) communities created, in 2001, the Raoni Institute to defend the interests of our people. IR is a non-profit, non-partisan Civil Society Organization of Public Interest located in the city of Peixoto...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Brazil
Samburu Women Trust are an indigenous women-led organisation that champions the rights of women and girls among indigenous communities through strengthening and supporting their capacity and agency to influence policies...
Women's empowerment Capacity building Culture Climate change Economic development Kenya
SPDM - Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina is a civil association, of a philanthropic nature, recognized as a Federal, State and Municipal public utility entity.
Health Brazil
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is a non-aligned, non-political, not-for-profit Pan-African organisation headquartered in Nairobi, with a hosting agreement with the government of Kenya. The AAS’s vision is to see...
Sustainable Development Knowledge Economic development Regional Kenya
The Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) believes holistic health and culture are connected. They believe that culture shapes everything and that it is a marker of a healthy community. They believe we experience...
Culture Health Natural resources & biodiversity Kenya
The União dos Povos Indígenas do Vale do Javari (UNIVAJA) is a civil entity with private rights, non-profit, partisan and religious, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Atalaia do Norte, in the state of Amazonas...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Brazil