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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
VIDS Suriname (Vereniging van Inheemse Dorpshoofden) is an association of indigenous village leaders from every indigenous village in Suriname. It was established in 1992 in the aftermath of the internal armed conflict in...
Lands, forests and territories Suriname
The Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI) is a coordination body for the Andean indigenous organizations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. It was established on July 17, 2006 at its Founding Congress...
Rights & Advocacy Colombia Peru Ecuador Bolivia
Cabildo Indígena Universitario de Medellín (CIUM) was created with the aim of contributing to the training of indigenous students residing in Medellín through initiatives aimed at guaranteeing access, permanence and...
Education Youth Colombia CONTACT
The National Commission for Communication of Indigenous Peoples - CONCIP is the commission of the Permanent Roundtable for Coordination with Indigenous Peoples and Organizations - MPS, specialized in the area of...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Education Colombia
Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, CRIC, is the organization that brings together more than 90% of the indigenous communities of the department of Cauca.
Economic development Culture Colombia
The Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin is an Indigenous Organization of international convergence that acts on behalf of 511 Indigenous Peoples, of which approximately 66 are Indigenous Peoples in...
Climate change Rights & Advocacy Peru Brazil Venezuela Bolivia Ecuador Guyana Colombia Suriname
We are a Dutch international development cooperation organization with more than 50 years of experience and a global presence. We contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality, ensuring sustainable livelihoods...
Education Bolivia Nicaragua Colombia
The Irish Wildlife Trust works to create a better future for Ireland’s biodiversity by motivating and supporting people to take action to protect biodiversity. We achieve this through wildlife walks and talks, citizen science...
Natural resources & biodiversity Ireland
In the 1960s, the indigenous peoples joined the struggles for land led by the peasant sectors. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the creation of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) led to the creation of different regional...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Colombia
The Putumayo Zonal Indigenous Organization OZIP, made up of representatives of the indigenous peoples, was created and has been operating since 1986. It is the institution that represents the interests and requirements of the...
Education Health Natural resources & biodiversity Colombia
VIDS as an organization has grown from a small core of dedicated individuals to a steadfast, widely supported and representative indigenous organization that has a clear voice in policy making and implementation with regard...
Culture Suriname