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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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The Culture Nature Edzengui organisation is a community organization, legally recognized with a non-profit status, and an organization of indigenous peoples, group or association of ethnic minorities.
Culture Gabon
The National Commission for Communication of Indigenous Peoples - CONCIP is the commission of the Permanent Roundtable for Coordination with Indigenous Peoples and Organizations - MPS, specialized in the area of...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Education Colombia
Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, CRIC, is the organization that brings together more than 90% of the indigenous communities of the department of Cauca.
Economic development Culture Colombia
In the 1960s, the indigenous peoples joined the struggles for land led by the peasant sectors. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the creation of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) led to the creation of different regional...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Colombia