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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G) is an indigenous youth led & driven grassroots, non profit organization focused on community support and opportunities for Indigenous youth, based on Unceded Algonquin Territory.
Youth Culture Rights & Advocacy Justice Canada
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is a national advocacy organization that works to advance the collective aspirations of First Nations individuals and communities across Canada on matters of national or international...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Canada
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, CONAIE is an organization that brings together the indigenous Nationalities, Peoples, communities, Centers and Associations of Ecuador.
Rights & Advocacy Education Justice Ecuador
The Indigenous Federation of the Cofán Nationality of Ecuador - FEINCE was established as a legal organization as of June 20, 2001. It was created to represent the 10 Cofán communities in the political, legal sphere and to...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Ecuador
During the past four and a half decades ITK has been adept at adapting to the shifting political realities facing our people. It is because of our versatility that ITK is an effective and powerful voice for Inuit.
Justice Rights & Advocacy Canada
The Métis National Council works to support and enrich the lives of Métis people across the homeland. The Métis National Council is committed to working with its Governing Members, the Federal and Provincial governments, and...
Justice Rights & Advocacy Capacity building Canada
The NCTR derives its mandate from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and from the agreements under which the Centre was established and the records of Residential School Survivors first...
Justice Rights & Advocacy Canada CONTACT
The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) represents the collective interests of 29 Friendship Centres in cities and towns across the province. Friendship Centres improve the lives of urban Indigenous...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Culture Canada
The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) provides natural resource management expertise, conservation enforcement, legal and policy analysis, and public information services in support of the exercise of...
Justice Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Climate change Sustainable Development United States Canada