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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 24
AIDESEP is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Perú, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Natural resources & biodiversity Economic development Women's empowerment Peru
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1992 by Indigenous Peoples’ movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and...
Rights & Advocacy Nepal India Myanmar Laos Cambodia Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Japan China Philippines Indonesia Timor-Leste
CI's objective is to improve well-being, rights and sustainable development of the Indigenous Peoples communities, through strengthening the Indigenous Peoples’ sense of ownership on land and natural resources management...
Capacity building Rights & Advocacy Cambodia
The Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI) is a coordination body for the Andean indigenous organizations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. It was established on July 17, 2006 at its Founding Congress...
Rights & Advocacy Colombia Peru Ecuador Bolivia
As the representative organization of the peasant rounds of Peru, a form of organization of indigenous or native peoples, who contribute to guaranteeing peace and well-being, administering free, fast and re-educating justice.
Justice Peru
CHIRAPAQ, Centre for Indigenous Cultures of Peru, is an indigenous association which, for the past 30 years, has been promoting the assertion of identity and the acknowledgement of indigenous rights in the exercise of...
Rights & Advocacy Youth Women's empowerment Peru
The Cambodia Institute for Research and Rural Development (CIRD) is a non-governmental professional organization founded in 2009 by a team of qualified agriculture-based rural development specialists with the mission to...
Natural resources & biodiversity Agriculture Livelihoods Economic development Cambodia
Cabildo Indígena Universitario de Medellín (CIUM) was created with the aim of contributing to the training of indigenous students residing in Medellín through initiatives aimed at guaranteeing access, permanence and...
Education Youth Colombia CONTACT
The Cambodia Indigenous Youth Association (CIYA) was established by a group of Cambodian Indigenous Students in Phnom Penh in 2005 and was officially recognised by the Royal Government of Cambodia (Ministry of Interior) in...
Education Youth Culture Climate change Sustainable Development Cambodia
The National Commission for Communication of Indigenous Peoples - CONCIP is the commission of the Permanent Roundtable for Coordination with Indigenous Peoples and Organizations - MPS, specialized in the area of...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Education Colombia
The Peasant Confederation of Peru was founded on April 11, 1947, as the culmination of a process of unity between peasant communities, braceros, yanacones and indigenous peoples of the jungle, who were fighting for land. The...
Agriculture Sustainable Development Rights & Advocacy Peru
Represent Amazonian indigenous organizations, in the fight for respect for their rights, territory and cultural identity, through responsible sustainable development and coherent with the reality in the regions. In addition...
Rights & Advocacy Sustainable Development Peru