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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Abundance of Hope Initiative is a non-governmental organization established to support food security, green life and healthy society through consultation and engagement with indigenous and international partners /...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Women's empowerment Youth Nigeria
The creation of the Association for the Promotion of Burundian Girls (APFB) was the initiative of a small number of student girls who were already involved in the associative movements of young people and women; and were...
Education Women's empowerment Youth Burundi
We promote the integral development of the Indigenous Peoples of the Bolivian lowlands.
Rights & Advocacy Bolivia
The National Confederation of Bolivian Indigenous Peasant Women "Bartolina Sisa" CNMCIOB "BS", was founded on January 10, 1980. As a result of the decisive role that many women had played in various blockades, during the...
Women's empowerment Bolivia
The Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI) is a coordination body for the Andean indigenous organizations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. It was established on July 17, 2006 at its Founding Congress...
Rights & Advocacy Colombia Peru Ecuador Bolivia
Organization that was born in 1982 as the center of four founding peoples: Chiquitanos, Ayoreos, Guarayos, Guaraníes. He currently represents the 34 indigenous peoples of Tierras Bajas. Its mission is to defend their rights...
Culture Economic development Bolivia
Central de Pueblos Indígenas de la Paz (CPILAP) is an indigenous peoples organization aimed to help the ten indigenous communities of the La Paz territory in Bolivia.
Natural resources & biodiversity Bolivia
The Central de Pueblos Indígenas del Beni (CPIB) was founded in a first congress of the peoples, on November 10, 1989. It was born out of the need to defend the territory, dignity and fundamental rights of indigenous peoples...
Rights & Advocacy Bolivia
The Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding (CBCIU), in Osogbo, was set up in 2009. Their mission is to elevate Black culture, by focusing on its recovery, preservation, promotion, and utilization of its...
Knowledge Education Nigeria
The Coordinator for the Integration of Economic Organizations of Indigenous Peoples from Bolivia "CIOEC-BOLIVIA" was established on October 27, 1991, it was integrated as an associate from the year 2000. It is the highest...
Economic development Bolivia
The National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu "CONAMAQ" consolidated organizationally and politically, as the highest instance of representation of the Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of the highlands of Bolivia...
Rights & Advocacy Justice Bolivia
The Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin is an Indigenous Organization of international convergence that acts on behalf of 511 Indigenous Peoples, of which approximately 66 are Indigenous Peoples in...
Climate change Rights & Advocacy Peru Brazil Venezuela Bolivia Ecuador Guyana Colombia Suriname