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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Displaying 1 - 12 of 16
AMIR manages and defends human rights to improve the living conditions of indigenous Lenca women and girls from the communities where they have a presence in the municipality of Intibucá through their participation in...
Women's empowerment Rights & Advocacy Agriculture Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
We were born in the departmental capital of Ocotepeque on January 12, 2011, Founded at the initiative of Mr. Hugo Salvador Cristales Hernández and the Mercantile Expert Eva Chacón Chacón. We are a voluntary non-profit...
Capacity building Justice Rights & Advocacy Honduras
We are the Organization of Peasant and Indigenous Women Conamuri, we have been working with women of the working class in the countryside, organized in production committees and small associations, currently in 12 departments...
Women's empowerment Agriculture Sustainable Development Culture Paraguay
With a view to establishing itself as a unitary referent of the popular movement of the department of Intibucá, the fight in defense of the environment, the rescue of the Lenca culture and to improve the living conditions of...
Natural resources & biodiversity Sustainable Development Climate change Health Education Livelihoods Honduras
Non-governmental organization for the Lenca indigenous women of Honduras.
Women's empowerment Honduras
The National Indigenous Mayan Ch'orti Council of Honduras (CONIMCHH) is a private non-profit organization that facilitates integral development processes in its affiliated communities. Fight for the recovery of ancestral land...
Capacity building Education Honduras
The Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin is an Indigenous Organization of international convergence that acts on behalf of 511 Indigenous Peoples, of which approximately 66 are Indigenous Peoples in...
Climate change Rights & Advocacy Peru Brazil Venezuela Bolivia Ecuador Guyana Colombia Suriname
We are an autonomous and representative indigenous federation, made up of 13 organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay, from the two regions of the country: Oriental and Occidental or Chaco.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Paraguay
Non-profit union organization that represents the Lenca People.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Economic development Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
MASTA (Moskitia Asla Takanka – “Unity of La Moskitia”) was founded on the 26th June 1976 in the community of Awas, in the territory of BAMIASTA. It aims to strengthen indigenous autonomy and governance in La Moskitia...
Rights & Advocacy Climate change Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras
The Council of the Ch'orti' Nation was formed in 2016, we are made up of three indigenous organizations representing the Ch'orti' people, the Ch'orti Peasant Indigenous Association "Nuevo Día", located in the Ch'orti region '...
Rights & Advocacy Culture Justice Guatemala Honduras
The Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, emerged in 1978 as a Federation of the Garífuna people of Honduras, blending into the defense of their cultural and territorial rights, with the purpose of achieving...
Rights & Advocacy Natural resources & biodiversity Honduras