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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Africa’s ultimate eco-lodge, organic farm, and digital nomad oasis nestled in the heart of the Great Rift Valley; where traditional Maasai culture meets modern ingenuity and regenerative agriculture. Narok, Kenya
Agriculture Culture Kenya
We are the Organization of Peasant and Indigenous Women Conamuri, we have been working with women of the working class in the countryside, organized in production committees and small associations, currently in 12 departments...
Women's empowerment Agriculture Sustainable Development Culture Paraguay
We are an autonomous and representative indigenous federation, made up of 13 organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay, from the two regions of the country: Oriental and Occidental or Chaco.
Rights & Advocacy Culture Paraguay
Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) is a grassroots indigenous organization that works with and on behalf of communities within the greater Turkana basin to demand collective social, economic, cultural, environmental, and...
Economic development Culture Justice Climate change Kenya
The Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation — IMPACT — works in the Northern Frontiers of Kenya, home to a considerable proportion of Kenyan Indigenous Peoples. Our current projects are spread...
Rights & Advocacy Health Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Kenya
Kenya Voluntary Development Association (KVDA) is an indigenous, non-political and membership organization which is non-sectarian and non-profit making started in 1962 as a work camp organization registered under the...
Culture Rights & Advocacy Economic development Capacity building Kenya
Samburu Women Trust are an indigenous women-led organisation that champions the rights of women and girls among indigenous communities through strengthening and supporting their capacity and agency to influence policies...
Women's empowerment Capacity building Culture Climate change Economic development Kenya
The Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) believes holistic health and culture are connected. They believe that culture shapes everything and that it is a marker of a healthy community. They believe we experience...
Culture Health Natural resources & biodiversity Kenya
It is an Organization that brings together the 6 communities of the Yshir People of the department of Alto Paraguay.
Capacity building Culture Paraguay