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Indigenous Peoples Organizations

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Organization that was born in 1982 as the center of four founding peoples: Chiquitanos, Ayoreos, Guarayos, Guaraníes. He currently represents the 34 indigenous peoples of Tierras Bajas. Its mission is to defend their rights...
Culture Economic development Bolivia
The Coordinator for the Integration of Economic Organizations of Indigenous Peoples from Bolivia "CIOEC-BOLIVIA" was established on October 27, 1991, it was integrated as an associate from the year 2000. It is the highest...
Economic development Bolivia
We are the sum of women and men of indigenous and local communities that unite our efforts for the exercise of our rights and the appropriation of our territories, always walking towards Good Living .
Culture Livelihoods Capacity building Economic development Mexico
Indígenas y Grupos Vulnerables por México A.C support the development of people by generating growth opportunities to improve the quality of life and create solid foundations for future generations.
Livelihoods Economic development Mexico
The UNIBOL Guaraní and Peoples of the Lowlands "Apiaguaiki Tüpa" is an educational institution of superior, humanistic, community and productive training, with relevance and quality in professional training; vanguard in the...
Economic development Culture Rights & Advocacy Bolivia